Martin McDonald

Britain/USA 2008

After the assassination of a corrupt catholic priest and the accidental killing of a young boy, two hitmen are sent to Bruges where they are instructed to lie low until further notice. The unlikely couple form an uneasy bond while waiting for instructions from their ruthless boss in London. The film unfolds as dark comedy; the older hitman Ken takes advantage of their confinement in Bruges to visit the mediaeval sites while Ray wonders around the city in a state of  boredom and acute remorse for having taken the life of an innocent young boy. Behind the tragic story, therein lies a beautiful portrait of the Belgium city. 

Language level:

Generally accessible to students. The soft Irish accents of Ken and Ray pose less of a problem than the abject vulgarity of their London boss.

Key words and Expressions:


Fully booked

I used to hate history




Contact lenses

He swears a lot 

Purgatory is kind of like the inbetweeny one

A lollipop man

Windy stairs

The rudest man!

To throw a mood

Even midgets have to take drugs to stick it…

I’m horny

Saying it over and over


The buck stops with him

To take the buck

Stop whinging


To say something crass

To drown your sorrows

My heart is going like the clappers



Nooks and crannies

See how the land lies

I want him crucified

He stitched you up

Gothic fairy tale stuff


To spoil the whole thing

Don’t come all over Gandi!

It’s entirely your call

Boschian nightmare (after the painter Bosch)

Stick to your principles

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